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June 17, 2015

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Today on The David Pakman Show / June 17, 2015

MP3 Podcast: Subscribe now to access every podcast in our archive!


On the Show:

–Rick Ruddell, Law Foundation of Saskatchewan Chair in Police Studies at the University of Regina, criminologist, and the co-author of Making Sense of Criminal Justice, joins David to discuss crime, law enforcement, and the justice system in resource-based rural boom-towns

–Rachel Dolezal is not the same as Caitlyn Jenner

–Donald Trump announces that he is running for President and uses an unauthorized Neil Young song

–Hillary Clinton opposes the TPP yet pushed for it 45 times as Secretary of State

–Hatriot Mail

–Kansas will raise taxes on the poor to pay for tax cuts for the rich

–Rush Limbaugh’s audience is disappearing

–Greg Gianforte, aspiring Republican governor of Montana, tells us that Noah was 600 when he built the ark…so Americans shouldn’t retire

–Mining jobs that pay $200,000 a year will be replaced by driverless trucks

–Voicemail on Bernie Sanders the Independent/Democrat

–On the Bonus Show: The FDA bans artificial trans-fats, Amazon seeks to turn consumers into couriers, the FBI is investigating MLB hacking, more…

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