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April 17, 2015

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Today on The David Pakman Show / April 17, 2015

MP3 Podcast: Subscribe now to access every podcast in our archive!

On the Show:

–Classic Interview: Lowell Ponte, former roving editor for Readers Digest and author of the new book The Great Withdrawal: How the Progressives’ 100-Year Debasement of America and the Dollar Ends, joins David to discuss our economic situation

–Blackwater mercenaries are convicted for the killing of 14 unarmed civilians in Baghdad in 2007

–The Texas bill that would prevent the filming of police is dropped

–Annegret Raunigk, a 65-year-old German schoolteacher, is pregnant with quadruplets

–Flashback: Texas Congresswoman Betty Brown asks the Asian community to change their names so they are easier for Americans to deal with, or maybe just so she doesn’t sound so stupid trying to pronounce them

–Flashback: Ann Coulter claims only liberal media are promoting the birther story minutes before Fox News does a piece on birtherism

–Flashback: The Bundy Ranch debacle

–Audience Question: Do you edit out mistakes you make during filming?

–Audience Question: Are you open to dating interracially?

–Audience Question: Would you break the law to save a loved one? How would you decide which laws to break?

–On the Bonus Show: Brian Wilson had never heard of punk rock, the feds/telecom companies/spying infrastructure, Indiana hires a PR firm to help their image, more…

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